The 1950's |
Simplicity of Life
By: Merle E. Givens Meg Simplifies
I go back to the simple life. Well, I found an unusual way to do so and may be turning aside to this blog many a time. It is call the "The Apron Revolution" and it kicks of the late 1950's. Follow the '50sGal' through her experiment of being in this era and learn more about the lifestyles of this era.
By: Merle E. Givens Meg Simplifies
I go back to the simple life. Well, I found an unusual way to do so and may be turning aside to this blog many a time. It is call the "The Apron Revolution" and it kicks of the late 1950's. Follow the '50sGal' through her experiment of being in this era and learn more about the lifestyles of this era.
As of date, today is March 27, 1957 to be exact. Turn back the time and join me as we see how to organize, enjoy some good old 50's music and great musicals of the day.
Audrey Hepburn shows her style in "Funny Face" and "Think Pink" is the in style now too. See link below to watch 'Think Pink' video.
Tonight would be the 29th Annual Academy awards, and the movie, "Around the World in Eighty Days" is the winner.
As you turn back time, learn organizing advice from the 1950's period, at her blog, ‘The Apron Revolution'. Listen to some advice from a guest blogger as she too shows you some closet organizer advice that is great for us as well.
I look forward to seeing much more of this site as it goes through the end of one era to the coming of the years of the sixties. But for now, live the simpler life of the fifties and take time to slow down and enjoy it while you read her wonderful blog.
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